Friday, August 10, 2012

Blog entry #7 Friends.

I'm going to post the friends in order from biggest(best)-smallest(worst) All of them are christians. (Like myself) It'll be top ten or something.

1. The person I like the most would probably have to be
Zane: Zane is a year older than me, He is about 5'10-11. Very skinny, probably only weighs 100 pounds. Stick of a guy. He is a  very quiet/awkward teen, but only around people he doesn't like and are different from us. He is a very Emo kind of guy. He wears either camo or black. I've only seen him in shorts one or two time. He is almost always wearing a black leather jacket. He likes bands like Evanescence

2. This one is probably a guy named Eric.
Eric: He is going into tenth grade. I like Eric because he is the kind of guy who just doesn't care what other people think. He's a crazy, happy person. But not the annoying ones. The ones that are always fun to hang out with. He is around my height. He listens to stuff like for today, overseer. Christian scremo.

3. Jaedan.
Jaedan is male. He is a few inches shorter then me. He is also entering tenth. He is a friendly guy. He is a complete gear head.  There isn't much to explain about him, He is an average guy. (Well Peacemakers idea of average.) No-one at Peacemakers is 'Normal' so I like almost everyone there. Everyone on this list goes to this school.

4. Chance
A short skinny Asian kid. Everybody likes the little kid. he is going into seventh. He is a very huggy kind of guy. He's insane most of the time but when necessary he can be serious. He has a tendancy of getting in trouble.

5. Brady
read last post.

6. Jace(jacick)
I'm not really going to post much on him. He reminds me of what I used to be like so I don't like him very much. He doesn't act like a christian and brings out a side of me I don't like. I have been trieing to avoid him.

I don't really have any other friends so yeah...

Oh yeah

2.5 Erica.
A short Blondie. She looks like she only weighs maybe 90 pounds. She claims to be 5'0 but i doubt it. :) . She has a blog that I have posted a link to In one of my earlier posts.

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