Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blog entry #2 The family and a friend

Nothing has really happened today. Spent the morning playing ‘high school hero’ on my Ipod and listening to Eminem. My mom has been sick all day, but she is still going to work tonight. Its 4:45ish and all I’ve had to eat today is a bowl of cereal and half a cup of starbucks. I’m gonna turn into a anorexic. I know it isn’t healthy but It’s better then pukeing all the time and I have to lose weight some-how.
Right now I’m blogging and listening to BVB.
I doubt many people are going to follow this but if you do thanks.
I don’t have school until September 2-4.
I’m really starting to get annoyed with people. They all seem to suck.
I have a couple friends but they’ve been my friends since i was little. 
I’ve only made one friend since I went emo. 
I really hate people.
I have a step-dad, mom, little sister, and two cats/kittens.
My Step-dad is Youlen. Him and my mom have only been married about 4-6 months. I just call him youlen. Dad’s aren’t nessacary. Guys don’t need them. Girls do. My Mom’s named Becca, but I call her mom. My little sister is Ema. She is a spoiled brat but what little sister aren’t? Now my cats. The boy is my little buddy I’m the only one he likes. The boy is named Da Vinchi and the girl is Mona Lisa. Mom thought my names for them were the best, the compotition was Miami and Lebron James (step dads idea’s). They are brother and sister but are two different breeds.
My mom doesn’t get sick very often.
When she does she gets REALLY pissy.
I hung out with my neighbor for about an hour and we talked about her blog. I'm probable going to visit her at work tommorow.
I'm really tired. It's 2:27 right now ill do blog about the few friends I have tomorrow.  Good night.

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