Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Blog entry #11

Hey guys.
I would love it if you posted your favorite Singer/Musicians In the comments. Maybe I'll like a few of the bands.
Thanks. But really, POST SOME SH!T!!!!!

Запись в блоге # 10 Спасибо, русские!

Эй, мои друзья в России. Я действительно ценю все взгляды. (13 я думаю), благодаря современной технологии Google Translate, я могу поговорить с вами. Вы, ребята сделали это пространство перед нами, и когда нам (Тупой осел), американцы Роберт Годдард ногами, вы взяли его сюда.
Я отправил все это на русском языке, так что да.
(For the Americans)
Hey guys, pick up the pace and read this a little more! I don't post this for only 10 Americans to read! C'MON GUYS!!! WE ALREADY LET THEM BEAT US IN THE SPACE RACE!!! (God-damn Americans! I WANT TO MOVE TO ENGLAND!)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Blog entry #9 Comments

Hey, for the people that read this POST SOME FREAKING COMMENTS! Ask me questions or something! I need topics to blog/rant about!

Blog entry #8

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!
Nothing important has happened.
Only thing interesting that's happened lately is My cousins came over today but not Brady(See last two posts) just his little sisters. One of them is OK, but the youngest is just as irritating as Ema. Thank you Russia for the views. Not many other countries have read. Just the U.S. Germany, and Russia. So yeah. I'll probably have a rant later. I don't know. so yeah, bye.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Blog entry #7 Friends.

I'm going to post the friends in order from biggest(best)-smallest(worst) All of them are christians. (Like myself) It'll be top ten or something.

1. The person I like the most would probably have to be
Zane: Zane is a year older than me, He is about 5'10-11. Very skinny, probably only weighs 100 pounds. Stick of a guy. He is a  very quiet/awkward teen, but only around people he doesn't like and are different from us. He is a very Emo kind of guy. He wears either camo or black. I've only seen him in shorts one or two time. He is almost always wearing a black leather jacket. He likes bands like Evanescence

2. This one is probably a guy named Eric.
Eric: He is going into tenth grade. I like Eric because he is the kind of guy who just doesn't care what other people think. He's a crazy, happy person. But not the annoying ones. The ones that are always fun to hang out with. He is around my height. He listens to stuff like for today, overseer. Christian scremo.

3. Jaedan.
Jaedan is male. He is a few inches shorter then me. He is also entering tenth. He is a friendly guy. He is a complete gear head.  There isn't much to explain about him, He is an average guy. (Well Peacemakers idea of average.) No-one at Peacemakers is 'Normal' so I like almost everyone there. Everyone on this list goes to this school.

4. Chance
A short skinny Asian kid. Everybody likes the little kid. he is going into seventh. He is a very huggy kind of guy. He's insane most of the time but when necessary he can be serious. He has a tendancy of getting in trouble.

5. Brady
read last post.

6. Jace(jacick)
I'm not really going to post much on him. He reminds me of what I used to be like so I don't like him very much. He doesn't act like a christian and brings out a side of me I don't like. I have been trieing to avoid him.

I don't really have any other friends so yeah...

Oh yeah

2.5 Erica.
A short Blondie. She looks like she only weighs maybe 90 pounds. She claims to be 5'0 but i doubt it. :) . She has a blog that I have posted a link to In one of my earlier posts.

Blog entry #6 My cousin and his strict parents.

Hey. Sorry I didn't post earlier. I was hanging out with my cousin almost all day. Mom and Youlen are at work and Ema is at my Gram-parent's house, so I have the house to myself.

My cousin's Name is Brady, me and him are almost complete opposites. He looks like he is an anorexic. He is around my height, but weighs like 95 pounds. His mother still dresses him. His mom is a fashionista . If he was aloud to wear what he wanted he said he would dress like me. Wear all black, grow his hair out, Color it black. In general look like an emo.

His dad is a cop, and VERY strict. He also tries to keep his son, Brady, sheltered. Brady is going to be in tenth grade when school starts for him.

Like I said before, school doesn't start for me for another three weeks or so.

I probable should post something on my friends.

That'll be my next post.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

blog entry #5 Supportive friend.

Hey, this one isn't very important, just promoting my friends blog.


So yeah, bye.
I know you can't read it. It's meant to be a surprise! Just click the damn link it isn't some weird screwy hack system it's just my neighbors blog address. So go to it. 

Blog entry #4: Eminem , BVB and rants

hey guys. It's awesome to see that I'm getting some more views. If any of you guys/girls have questions, just ask in a comment and I'll answer. 

Tonight I'm going to rant about music, movies, video-games, and Disney.
Let's start with music.
I will listen to ALMOST anything. If it is pop GO TO HELL IT'S ALL FAKE! They're are very few pop singers that are actually good, and even if they can sing (which most can't) they are pointless songs! I listen to a wide variety of music. Here are some of the Bands/Musicians I like to listen to, I will also have a short explanation as to why I like him/her/them

EMINEM(slim shady)(Marshall)-I like the lyrics, the beat, and the meanings. His music Is motivational for me. I listen to him when I need emotional empowerment. I prefer listening to his newer albums eg. 'The Eminem show' 'Recovery' 'Curtain call: The Hits' 'Lose yourself'' and so on. Two of my favorite songs by him is ' 'till I collapse.' and 'Mockingbird'. The song that really introduced me to Marshall (like many others) was 'Not afraid"

Black Veil Brides(BVB)
 I like the meanings in their lyrics. The so called 'Method behind the madness.' They are also a very talented band (In my opinion) I listen to them when I feel alone. When I need help. When I need someone to stand next to me, take my hand and whisper into my ear "Your not alone. You have an entire army of family that you don't know. Filled with people from all over the word that love just as much as we do."
I get that may sound gay. But that's how it feels. They open a door of protection, confidence, and love. A door that was locked, All I had to do was knock. But I had to much pride to be myself. Now i'm not a label, a drone, a clone. I am A person. I am Micah. They helped me see that I AM AZRAEL.

I'm going to go off topic right now. I have to get some stuff out.
I'm sick of preps and copies of an original clone. I am one of the few who has the guts to break away from society. I deny society, I refuse their 'Code of conduct. I am an outcast. I am a member of the BVBARMY We are against the world. Everyone hates us.

"We are the unholy! We are the bastard sons of your media culture! Are minds eyes and bodies were born of your exclusion! An illusion you hide behind, you don't love a God! You love your comforts! To you we are filth! We are dirty! So be it! We are dirty and unclean! A congregation of the unseen. Together we will set this world on fire! This is the new religion! AMEN!!!!!"- Andy Biersack lead singer of Black Veil Brides, Song: New religion.

Blog entry #3

Hey guys. I'd like to thank you guys in Germany for reading my blog. Nothing really happened today. I babysat my little sister today, all we really did was watch T.V. I'm making a shout out for my aunt. Again, nothing important went on today. I might post something later but I don't know.

God my sister annoys the hell out of me. All she does is cry and try getting me in trouble. I get she is only 6 but she cries over EVERYTHING!

I'll post later, I have to make supper for us.

Blog entry #2 The family and a friend

Nothing has really happened today. Spent the morning playing ‘high school hero’ on my Ipod and listening to Eminem. My mom has been sick all day, but she is still going to work tonight. Its 4:45ish and all I’ve had to eat today is a bowl of cereal and half a cup of starbucks. I’m gonna turn into a anorexic. I know it isn’t healthy but It’s better then pukeing all the time and I have to lose weight some-how.
Right now I’m blogging and listening to BVB.
I doubt many people are going to follow this but if you do thanks.
I don’t have school until September 2-4.
I’m really starting to get annoyed with people. They all seem to suck.
I have a couple friends but they’ve been my friends since i was little. 
I’ve only made one friend since I went emo. 
I really hate people.
I have a step-dad, mom, little sister, and two cats/kittens.
My Step-dad is Youlen. Him and my mom have only been married about 4-6 months. I just call him youlen. Dad’s aren’t nessacary. Guys don’t need them. Girls do. My Mom’s named Becca, but I call her mom. My little sister is Ema. She is a spoiled brat but what little sister aren’t? Now my cats. The boy is my little buddy I’m the only one he likes. The boy is named Da Vinchi and the girl is Mona Lisa. Mom thought my names for them were the best, the compotition was Miami and Lebron James (step dads idea’s). They are brother and sister but are two different breeds.
My mom doesn’t get sick very often.
When she does she gets REALLY pissy.
I hung out with my neighbor for about an hour and we talked about her blog. I'm probable going to visit her at work tommorow.
I'm really tired. It's 2:27 right now ill do blog about the few friends I have tomorrow.  Good night.

Blog entry #1 Introduction

Before I begin to blog let me introduce myself.
My name is Micah J. Stubbe. Very few people know my middle name and im keeping it that way.
I live in Iowa home of the Christian scremo band ‘For Today”
I am 13 years old and a emo.
Now don’t go by the stereotype and think im a cutter. Some emos do that. I DON’T!
I am normally a quiet, anti-social and depressed guy. I used to be fun. But then i started listening to REAL music. Not that pop crap I mean bands like For today, Black Veil Brides, My Chemical Romance and so on. 
I tend to wear all black.
I am 5’9-10 ish and look like I weigh around 150-175. I have Medium-long dirty blonde hair that I color black/purple as often as possible.
So there you have it I am Micah Stubbe.
Another thing, I have this same blog on  tumblr.com.
I am also promoting my friend Blondie's blog: Live to Love.
Thank you and goodnight.